Join Our Community!

Chicago’s Next Top Model is Chicago’s online community for models, photographers, and other modeling industry professionals to find jobs and network.
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Chicago Nightlife

Create A Profile

Create a profile with Chicago's Next Top Models, upload your photos and connect with other Chicago professionals to find work and complete your projects!
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Chicago Bars

Start A Blog

Create your own modeling or photography blog. Blog about what is happening in your career. Blog about news and events occurring in the Chicago fashion industry.
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Chicago Nightlife

Create Your Portfolio

Upload your Fashion, Runway, Sports, Casual, Swimwear, photos and more. Create your online portfolio. Share your photos with potential clients and fans. 
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Chicago Nightlife


Create a group about modeling, photography and industry topics. Groups are a great way for people with a common interest to communicate .
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Chicago Nightlife

Casting Calls

Casting Calls are always a great way to search for new models, photographers & actors. Submit or search casting calls in Chicago and the surrounding areas.
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Chicago Nightlife

Travel Notices

Models, photographers & industry professionals submit a travel notice to let potential employers know that you are in the area and available for work.
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Chicago Nightlife


Start a discussion about Chicago modeling, photography and other industry topics. Learn how to update your pofile, submit casting calls and more.

Models & Photographers Gallery

See photos of some members below.
Cron Job Starts